Monday, June 30, 2014

Sneak peek of the "B" family!

The "B" family has 4 adorable kiddos, 3 boys under 8 and then a little girl just over 1. I remember when I was in my first year of shooting, a family this size with so many little ones would have made me nervous:) yes, yikes, how would I get them all to sit and smile:) The "B" kiddos were amazing, and it wasn't just that I now have more experience...aside from the typical up down of a 15 month old, these kids were really listening and giving me their real smiles. It was quite funny though when we were trying to get little Miss "M" to sit with a tea set...I had the brilliant idea to make it more fun by adding water for her to actually drink:) I think the couple sitting in the park was most entertained as Mom and I maneuvered cups away from her while trying to keep her happy!
I love the one of them on the bench, baby sister was not too happy "sitting" but once we let her stand, she looked quite proud  and happy:) I think we definitely got at least one of each shot, and will post your gallery soon!

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