Thursday, June 17, 2010

Sneak Peek of "M" brother and sister!


WOW....ok, WOW again. I knew these kids were super cute, but once I got into the editing, I could not stop-absolutely beautiful! Mom had said that her son was a bit shy, and that her daughter was into this funky biting her lip smile but once they warmed up, we got past the bunny teeth and downward looks! I do not think I have taken a better picture of a brother/sister! Loved the jersey-go Hawk!s And the cute Marilyn Monroe dress! Thank you for letting me capture these moments and I so apologize for this HUGE peek! There were just too many.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Sneak Peek of Baby "H"!


Oh my, if boys could technically be called beautiful... I tried to think of another word to describe him...hmmm. No, he is just beautiful! I have photographed baby "H" since he was 9 days old, and so love seeing how he has changed with each new session! Mom and Dad-you sure make them cute! Thank you for being so wonderful today.